Mindfulness Practice for Kids - The 5,4,3,2,1 Technique


Mindfulness is amazing for our wellbeing, and is equally good for our children. The current stressors in the world means that teaching and encouraging mindful practice with our kids is essential. When we practice mindfulness we become aware of, and focus on the present moment and accepting without judgment.

Mindfulness brings improvements in mental and physical health. When we are more present and aware (without judgment) we can savour and appreciate the moment, we are more engaged with activities and people around us and we are less likely to get caught up in worries and stress. When we practice mindfulness it gives our brains a break in negative thought patterns and we focus on positive or neutral topics/thoughts. All of these influence positive mental health and wellbeing. Physically mindfulness has been shown to decrease stress, reduce heart disease, decrease blood pressure, improve sleep as well as stomach (gastrointestinal) issues.

This is the first in a short series of videos on mindful activities you can do with your children. This video talks through the 5,4,3,2,1 technique.

Keng, S., Smoski, M. J., & Robins, C. J. (2013). Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (6). 1041-1056.

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